For all takes all. That simple message of collaboration and community resonated with the more than 200 people gathered at Southeast Raleigh Beacon Site Dedication on April 27. The site at 1436 Rock Quarry Road is the future home of the Southeast Raleigh YMCA, Southeast Raleigh Elementary School, affordable housing and other commercial spaces.
Transforming Community
Representatives from the Southeast Raleigh Promise, Southeast Raleigh Elementary School, DHIC and the Southeast Raleigh YMCA celebrated the promise of a positive future on the site.
“The YMCA has offered services and programs to individuals and families in Southeast Raleigh for decades. Six years ago, YMCA of the Triangle Board members, community leaders and neighbors challenged us to to think bigger than just a new YMCA facility,” said Dexter Hebert, Executive Director of the Southeast Raleigh YMCA. “They helped us identify a site, raised funds and challenged us to engage our neighbors and to expand programs and collectively broaden our impact. Few of us get the chance to witness real change in a community. This is the real change – an example of what happens when we put aside personal agendas to work together to create common ground and place for everybody. A place for all.”
After the dedication, hundreds of residents gathered for the Southeast Raleigh Community Festival on the site to enjoy games, great food and to learn about future opportunities through the YMCA and other organizations.
For All
We invite you to be part of our transformational work at the future Southeast Raleigh YMCA. Thanks to community support, volunteers and our neighbors, we’ve raised nearly $22 million to fund the beacon site. The Southeast Raleigh Elementary School will open in August. The Southeast Raleigh YMCA will open in September. DHIC affordable housing will open in 2020. Help us raise the last $1 million dollars to support this project.