YMCA of the Triangle

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YMCA Named Endowments

Endowment gifts generate support that lasts forever. The YMCA of the Triangle’s branches and camps have over 70 endowment funds designed to ensure a strong tomorrow.

With a $50,000 gift, a donor can establish a named endowment that carries on their legacy for years to come. For more information about how you can plan an endowment, please visit Planned Giving. You can also make an online gift to select endowments below. To make a gift by check, please mail to YMCA of the Triangle, Attn: Philanthropy Department, 801 Corporate Center Dr., Suite 200, Raleigh, NC, 27607. To give by stock, or IRA charitable distribution, please contact Cole McLaughlin at 919-564-6689.

Association-wide Endowments

YMCA of the Triangle General Endowment: This is the YMCA of the Triangle’s main endowment fund. It is used to provide financial assistance to participants in YMCA programs and to provide for expansion, site and facility needs. All undesignated gifts to the endowment are housed in this fund. Donate online

Forrest B. Arrowsmith Endowment: Upon his death in 1992, Mr. Arrowsmith’s estate established this endowment to pay all or part of the charges for the use of YMCA facilities by children who would otherwise be unable to pay.

Barham Family YMCA Endowment: Established in 2006 by Charles D. Barham and Margaret C. Barham to meet the greatest needs of the YMCA of the Triangle.

Branch Family Endowment: Community HOPE is an academically structured mentoring and literacy YMCA program that addresses the individual learning needs of students living in affordable housing communities in Raleigh. The Branch Family Endowment provides financial support for this program. Donate online

Doug and Jo Anna McMillan Family Endowment: Established in memory of Jo Anna and expanded in honor of Doug at his retirement, the McMillan Family Endowment helps make the YMCA of the Triangle overnight camps, Sea Gull, Seafarer and Kanata, accessible to children and families who otherwise might not have the ability to share in the magic of camp. Donate online

Martin Endowment: Sidney and Sue Martin were longtime supporters of the YMCA of the Triangle. Sidney served as the first onsite doctor at Camp Sea Gull. This endowment, funded by their estate, supports the greatest needs of the YMCA of the Triangle and its camps.

Kathleen Osborn Memorial Endowment: Created to provide financial assistance to children from Wake County, North Carolina, with preference to those whose parents are challenged by cancer.

Peters Family Endowment: Earnings from this fund are to be used to provide college scholarship money to YMCA employees. Specifically, scholarships will be given to high school seniors who are working in Y youth programs and heading to college the following school year. Established in memory of Elbert and Katherine Peters by their three daughters in 2019.

Ragland Family Endowment: Created by a gift from Trent Ragland’s estate in 2015 to provide unrestricted support for the YMCA of the Triangle.

Taylor Memorial Endowment: This fund honors Wyatt and Lil Taylor, whose unparalleled service to the YMCA of the Triangle and Camps Sea Gull and Seafarer helped us become the Association we are today. Our largest fund, the Taylor Memorial Endowment provides financial assistance to participants in YMCA programs and also meets expansion, site and facility needs. Donate online

Tracy Howe Endowment: Tracy's passion for leadership development has helped countless people grow in Christian character and confidence. This endowment honors his legacy by funding Christian leadership training programs for YMCA staff. Donate online.

Alexander Family YMCA Endowments, Raleigh N.C.

Alexander Family YMCA Endowment: This general endowment fund for the Alexander branch supports the greatest needs at our historic Hillsborough Street location. Donate online

Herb and Elizabeth Bales Endowment: Started by the Bales in 2007. Earnings from this fund are to be used annually for the We Build People campaign and specifically designated for financial assistance at the Alexander Family YMCA branch.

Robert Tomlinson Hill Memorial Endowment: Established by the Hill family in memory of their son, Robert, who during his young life was involved in both Y Guides and the Alexander Family YMCA. This fund initially provided financial assistance for refugee families who had come to the Triangle from the highlands of Vietnam. It now provides financial assistance for children from all backgrounds.

Charles F. Lewis Endowment: Created in honor of Charles’ wife, Ethel, with gifts both during his lifetime and through his estate, this endowment provides financial assistance for children at the Alexander Family YMCA.

Joanne Murray Endowment: Joanne lived her entire life with cerebral palsy, yet swam at the Alexander Family YMCA pool several times a week. In her estate, she left a generous gift to form this fund. Her endowment provides financial assistance to individuals and families in need so that they might use the facilities and participate in the programming of the Alexander Family YMCA. When possible, this fund prioritizes those with special needs/disabilities.

Ken Petty Memorial Endowment: Established by the Petty Family in memory of their son, Ken, who was a staff member in the Central (now Alexander) youth staff department. Pays all or part of the charges for programs at the Alexander Family YMCA for boys and girls who would otherwise not be able to pay.

Satisky Endowment: Dan and Alice Satisky had a special love for both the Alexander Family YMCA and Camps Sea Gull and Seafarer. Funded by gifts during their lifetimes and from their estate, this is one of our largest endowments.


Gail P. Cash Memorial Endowment: This fund was established after Gail’s death to continue her legacy through the A.E. Finley YMCA. Gail and her husband, Taylor, led the We Build People Campaign for years at Finley. Upon her passing, many contributed to build this fund in her honor. This endowment provides financial assistance to help families in need use the A.E. Finley YMCA.

Bill and Ruby Kincaid Scholarship Fund: The Kincaid Scholarship Fund was established in 1991 by William B. Kincaid, in memory of his wife Ruby L. Kincaid. Bill was the chair of the A.E. Finley Capital Campaign. Proceeds from this fund provide financial assistance so that children in need can participate in the programming of the A.E. Finley YMCA.

Jo Anna McMillan Tradition of Excellence Award: This fund rewards college-age Finley Day Camp staff who are dedicated to upholding the tradition of excellence, quality, and passion for youth established by Jo Anna Lilley McMillan during her years as Finley Day Camp Director. Recipients receive funding for educational needs or leadership training. Donate online

Stone Family Endowment: Established by Fred and Minnie Stone in 2002, this fund provides financial assistance to children and families in need so that they can participate in programs at the A.E. Finley YMCA.

Robyn Ballard Ziperski Endowment: Mrs. Ziperski established this fund with a gift from her father’s estate in 2010. It is to be used to meet the greatest needs of the A.E. Finley YMCA.


Chapel Hill-Carrboro YMCA Endowment: This endowment received a substantial boost in 2020 with a gift from the estate of Dr. Bob Seymour, a longtime pastor and civil rights activist who, along with his wife Pearl, was a great friend to the Y. This fund supports the greatest needs of the Chapel Hill-Carrboro YMCA each year. Such needs include financial assistance for members and children, program costs, and facility maintenance. Donate online


Durham YMCA Endowment: Provides financial assistance for families and children in need at our Durham YMCA locations. Donate online


Hannah Viall Memorial Scholarship Endowment: Established in memory of Hannah Viall by her parents. Hannah was an active member of both Y Leaders Club and Y Guides. This endowment provides college scholarship funds for a graduating senior in the Kerr Family YMCA Leaders Club and also provides financial assistance for the (Kerr) Y Guides spring outing. Donate online


Louis and Martha Ruth Smith Family Endowment: The Smith family contributed generously to the capital campaign that built the Kraft Family YMCA and its aquatics center. A generous estate gift from Martha Ruth established this endowment fund to support the Kraft YMCA community in perpetuity.

Kraft Family YMCA Endowment: Supports the greatest needs of the Kraft YMCA community. 

The Virginia Wendel and Frances Wynne Endowment: Established with an anonymous gift in 2019, this fund is used for financial assistance, programs, building maintenance, or any other needs at the Kraft Family YMCA. Donate online


Brown Family Endowment: Established in 2023 by Howard Brown to support the greatest needs of the Northwest Cary YMCA.


Judy Bright Endowment: Made possible by a generous estate gift from former YMCA of the Triangle executive staff member Judy Bright, this fund provides financial assistance for families and children at our Southeast Raleigh branch. This branch is physically attached to Southeast Raleigh Elementary School, and also has over 100 units of affordable housing on the property. Donate online


Dziwulski Family Endowment: Established in 2022 by Kevin and Marge Dziwulski, this fund provides financial assistance for children and families at the Northwest Cary and Taylor Family YMCAs, with specific emphasis on our community case management and swimming programs.

LORD Corporation Endowment: Established by the LORD Corporation in 2006 for the benefit of the Taylor Family YMCA branch. Proceeds go towards financial assistance for families and children at Taylor. Donate online

Conor Nelson Memorial Endowment: Conor, who was involved in Y Guides and passed away at a very young age in 2007, is remembered by this endowment. It provides financial assistance for children at the Taylor Family YMCA.

Y Guides Endowment, Raleigh, N.C.

Kirk Kirkland Family Endowment: Kirk’s family established this endowment to honor the valuable time he spent with his three daughters in Y Guides when they were young. Distributions from this fund will be used to provide financial assistance for children and families who could not otherwise afford to participate in YMCA programming. Priority will be given to families who have lost their fathers and to the Y Guides program. Donate online


Dishler Family Endowment: Established in 2023, distributions from this fund will be used to meet programming, Camp maintenance, and/or camper financial assistance needs at Camp Kanata. Donate online

Bobbie Dubin Scholarship Fund: Provides financial assistance to Triangle area youth for summer Sessions at Camp Kanata.

Tommy Goldberg Memorial Endowment: This fund was established in memory of Tommy Goldberg by his family. Tommy was a counselor at Camp Kanata. Proceeds from the endowment provide financial assistance for campers.

O'Neill/Eilhauer Family Endowment: Established in 2021 to support Camp Kanata camperships.

Dr. Grady Joseph Wheeler, Sr. Endowment: Dr. Wheeler’s daughter, Susan Wheeler Parker, and her husband, David Parker, created this fund to support the work of Camp Kanata and to provide financial assistance to campers with demonstrated need. Dr. Wheeler’s granddaughter, Laura Parker Bass, was both a camper and counselor at Camp Kanata. Donate online


YMCA Camp Sea Gull and YMCA Camp Seafarer Endowment: Funded by camp alumni and friends, this endowment meets the greatest needs of our camps year by year. Camp Directors, the Board of Directors, and the YMCA CEO oversee disbursements. Donate online

YMCA Camp Sea Gull and YMCA Camp Seafarer Facilities Endowment: With so many buildings, boats, pools, roads, piers, bridges, and acres of land, it takes a lot of financial support to keep our Camps beautiful and safe for young people. This fund is designed to help offset these ongoing costs. Donate online

William J. Adams IV Endowment: Bill Adams was an outstanding camper, sailing counselor, and administrative staff member at Sea Gull and was known for his joyful demeanor. He passed away unexpectedly at a young age. His family created this endowment in his memory. The William J. Adams IV Regatta, the signature event for Homecoming weekends, is the primary way the community is engaged in supporting this endowment. This fund is intended to provide financial assistance to Sea Gull and Seafarer campers, with priority given to the children of current YMCA employees, children of former camp employees, and those with single mothers. Donate online

George Hamilton Andrews and James Rose Andrews Endowment: Established in 2004 by George Andrews in memory of his brother, Jimmy. Upon George’s passing in 2020, his wife Debbie expanded the fund’s name to include both George and Jimmy so that the fund would continue to make an impact in memory of both brothers. This endowment provides financial assistance for participants at Camps Sea Gull and Seafarer.

Reid Ashe III Memorial Endowment: Established in 2014 in memory of O. Reid Ashe III, this fund provides financial assistance to children at Camps Sea Gull and Seafarer.

Axelrod Endowment: The fund was established by Michael E. and Lillie Silver Axelrod in 2014 to assist campers who need financial assistance to attend Camp Sea Gull or Seafarer. Donate online

Baldwin-Gardner Family Endowment: Established by Robert F. Baldwin, III in 2021, in honor of his mother,  Anne Gardner Baldwin, and his aunt, Ruth Gardner Eisenhauer, both of whom were Camp Seafarer alumnae. This endowment provides financial assistance for children to attend both camps. 

Barham Family Endowment for Camp: Established in 2003 by Charles D. and Margaret C. Barham, proceeds from this fund meet the greatest needs of Camps Sea Gull and Seafarer. Proceeds are used for financial assistance for campers and for camp maintenance needs.

Burnie Batchelor Family Camper Scholarship Endowment: Established in 2015 by Jerry Batchelor in memory of her husband Burnie and the rest of the family. Burnie was the Camp photographer for 40 years and wore his iconic red socks to take cabin portraits. The purpose of this endowment is to provide annual funds for financial assistance equally at Camps Sea Gull and Seafarer. Donate online

Ellen Bohannon Campen Endowment: Funded by Henry Campen in honor of his wife, Ellen, this endowment began in 2000. Proceeds are used to provide financial assistance for campers at Camps Sea Gull and Seafarer.

Howard Covington, Sr. Endowment: Named in honor of Mr. Covington, who both worked and volunteered for the YMCA for many years, upon the occasion of his 90th birthday in 2001. This fund provides financial assistance for campers. It has a special focus on under-resourced children from western North Carolina, where Howard’s daughter worked for years in social services.

Griffith Staff Legacy Endowment: Created by former Camp directors Lloyd and Cille Griffith, this fund is an expression of gratitude to former Sea Gull and Seafarer employees. It provides scholarships to children of former staff; this may include Camp staff of any kind (past cabin counselor, housekeeper, grounds, director, cook, etc). Donate online

Leonard Family Endowment: Established by Christopher and Laura Leonard in 2019, this fund helps Camp staff grow their ability to provide faith-based leadership. Examples could include training for youth ministry, how to lead effective devotionals, how to build character and integrity in young people, how to use one’s faith to help campers who come from abusive or destructive homes, how to encourage campers who are trying to grow their faith, or other faith-based training for working with young people.

Catharine McNally Fund for Accessibility: Established in 2024, distributions from this fund will be used toward initiatives that provide greater accessibility and equity for program participants throughout the Camp Sea Gill and Seafarer communities. 

Buzz Mitchell Memorial Endowment: Buzz’s mother’s family built the cottage that is now the main house of the Camp Outpost in Morehead City, NC. This fund, created in 2007, supports the maintenance of this Camp Outpost facility and, secondarily, other maintenance needs at Camps Sea Gull and Seafarer.

Lynn Moss Leadership Endowment: This fund was established in 2017 by volunteers to honor Lynn’s tenure as Seafarer’s Director for 12 years. It is a dedicated funding source to support the leadership development of Sea Gull and Seafarer’s team of directors. Because of the endowment, staff will have opportunities to grow as professionals and gain the necessary skills required to lead a new generation of summer staff. Donate online

Nagaraj Family Staff Experience Endowment: This fund was established in 2024 by Sharat and Lavanya Nagaraj and will be used to enhance the experience of Camp counselors and staff at YMCA Camp Sea Gull and YMCA Camp Seafarer by providing additional resources for activities that foster camaraderie and team building. Donate online

Newman Family Medical Scholarship Endowment: In 2021, Dr. Kurt Newman, along with his wife, Alison, and sons, Robert and Jack, established this fund to develop a medical scholarship program at Camp Sea Gull and Camp Seafarer to support the retention of returning senior counselors. This program will engage summer staff members who desire to pursue a medical degree in the future, and it will provide them with the opportunity to gain clinical experience with volunteer physicians, a physician mentor relationship, and participate in a cohort with other medical scholars. Donate online

Charles H. and Julia O. Phillips Memorial Scholarship Fund: Created by the Phillips family in 1985, this endowment provides financial assistance for deserving children to attend Camp Sea Gull and Camp Seafarer, with preference to campers from single parent families.

Ramseur Family Endowment: Established by Camp alumni Bobby and Amanda Ramseur, disbursements from this fund will support summer staffing at both Camp Sea Gull and Camp Seafarer.

Elizabeth Sauer and Bryan Moody Endowment: Started with a gift from Ms. Sauer and Mr. Moody in 2021, this fund provides financial assistance for children to attend camp with priority given to those residing in Arapahoe, NC and Pamlico County, NC.

Frank Scott Endowment: Established by Frank and Nancy Scott in December 2016 with the sale of Hog Island, which Frank Scott gave to the YMCA in 1993, this fund creates opportunities for under-resourced children from Wake County to participate in YMCA programs during the Spring and Fall seasons at Camps Sea Gull and Seafarer.

Jean L. and Lawrence B. Shuping Jr. Endowment: This fund honors the memory of Jean L. and Lawrence B. Shuping, Jr., who passed away in 2019 and 2021, respectively. It celebrates the wonderful experiences that Shuping family members had at Camp Sea Gull and Camp Seafarer over many years. This endowment provides financial assistance for children to attend both camps.

Williford Family Scholarship Endowment: Established by Chris and Nora Williford in 2021, this fund provides financial assistance for children to attend both Camps. 

Wilmot Family Endowment: Established in 2000 by Wendy, Garry and Scott Wilmot in memory of their parents, Bill and Margery Wilmot.  The endowment provides financial assistance for overnight and/or day campers at Camps Sea Gull and Seafarer with priority given to campers from Pamlico and Craven Counties and is meant to honor their parents who sent all three to Camp.


Harden/ Bradford Sea Gull Campership Endowment: This financial assistance fund was established in 2007 by Dr. Bill and Anne Harden Bradford, in honor and memory of their parents, Dr. Boyd and Ruth Holmes Harden and Dr. William Leslie and Lenora Dalton Bradford. Bill and Anne spent a week at Camp Sea Gull for over 40 summers, with Bill serving as a volunteer camp physician. In Bill’s words, the endowment is meant “to perpetuate the availability of the Sea Gull Camp experience for the youth of the future.”

Charlie Carl Memorial Endowment: This fund was created in memory of Charlie Carl, a previous Camp Sea Gull camper, who passed away in 2021. It will provide financial assistance to Camp Sea Gull campers. 

Penn and Amy Clarke Endowment: We are grateful for the vision of Penn and Amy Clarke who established this endowment and its award which recognizes a Camp Sea Gull IV camper who exemplifies leadership, friendliness and integrity while excelling on the Land Program activities through high achievement. The remaining disbursement funds are allocated to facilities and the preservation/presentation of history at Camp. Donate online

William K. Nonidez and Jose F. Nonidez Endowment: This fund was established by Bill Nonidez in 2019 in memory of his brother, Joe (Jose F. Nonidez).  Bill and Joe both worked and served at Camp Sea Gull under Director Wyatt Taylor in late 1950s and early-to mid-1960s. Their father died at a young age, and Bill states that Wyatt Taylor was “awfully good” to them, teaching the boys character and skills for a lifetime. The endowment was established as a way to help provide other boys with experiences similar to Bill and Joe’s. This endowment funds program and facility needs at Camp Sea Gull.

Ginger Mims Alexander Neustadt Endowment: This fund was established in 2020 and distributions will be used to meet capital or facility needs at Camp Sea Gull.

Will and Cope Smith Family Endowment: This fund was established in early 2023 by the Sara and Cal Smith Family and distributions will be used to fund staff initiatives at Camp Sea Gull.

Van Dorsten Fund: The fund was established by Dr. and Mrs. Peter Van Dorsten from Richmond, Virginia, in memory of their two sons who attended Camp Sea Gull. The Jamie Van Dorsten Honor Camper recognition goes to campers each session with exemplary character, and the endowment covers the cost of the recognition plaque. The John Van Dorsten award goes to a Camp IV camper each session who has displayed leadership qualities, excellent achievement in the seamanship program, and genuine concern for younger campers. The fund provides a $1000 award towards the Camper in Leadership Training (CILT) program the following year to John Van Dorsten recipients.  Additional endowment disbursements support Sea Gull sea program needs.


Ashworth Family Sailing Endowment: This fund was created in 2024 by Steve and Patsy Ashworth in honor of their daughters and Seafarer alumnae, Molly Ashworth DeCola, Katie Ashworth Taylor and Susan Ashworth Dumbacher.

Robert Winston “Judge” Carr, Jr. and Marjorie Barnwell “Muff” Carr Endowment Fund: Established in 1997 by long-time Camp friends Robert Winston “Judge” Carr, Jr. and Marjorie Barnwell “Muff” Carr, this fund provides for the maintenance of Carr Cottage and other facilities at Camp Seafarer.

Bonnie Grizzard Endowment: This fund was created by Southeastern Mills, Inc., in 1998 with a gift in honor of Bonnie Grizzard, a former Seafarer camper and counselor. It provides a scholarship to a Seafarer camper from Rome/Floyd County, Georgia.

Annette Siler Hungerford Scholarship Endowment: Established in 2024 by Annette’s husband and daughter, the fund will provide financial assistance to Seafarer campers in her memory. Donate online

Ann Marie Mason Endowment: Jim and Lynn Mason funded this endowment in memory of their daughter Ann Marie, who was a camper at Seafarer for a number of years. This fund provides financial assistance for a camper at Seafarer with preference given to a camper from Scotland County when possible.

Mother Duck Endowment: Founded in 2019 by Alice Thoman Melott and supported by several of her fellow Seafarer alumnae, this fund’s purpose is to send girls to Camp Seafarer: daughters of single moms and essential workers like teachers, nurses, front-line and first responders, wellness and restaurant staffs. Donate online

Camp Seafarer Marathon Endowment: The Run a Kid to Camp program began in the summer of 2000 when three members of the leadership staff approached the team of directors with an idea to raise money for camperships.  All three had previously run a marathon to raise money for other organizations, and their idea was to use the marathon and fundraising concept as an opportunity to bring more children to Camp. They referenced how when something has shaped your life, your being, and your relationship to the world around you, there is an unwavering commitment and loyalty. From its inception, the Seafarer Marathon Endowment has given priority to girls from single-parent households and hundreds have now run full and half marathons and raised money to grow this fund. Donate online

Camp Seafarer Sailing Endowment: This fund was established by Bill and Barbara Turnage Linton in 2009 to support the Seafarer Sailing Program. Barb and her sister, Brenda, were on the sailing staff at Seafarer in the 1980s, and Barb and Bill have had three children go to camp. The life lessons that Barb learned through sailing and caring for boats at Seafarer led her to want to pass along similar experiences to future campers. Donate online


Endowment donations are invested under the oversight of Absher Wealth Management and our YMCA of the Triangle Investment Committee. A portion of the annual income from the investment is used to address immediate needs such as financial assistance for children, program costs, and facility improvements. The remaining funds are reinvested to ensure indefinite support.