Our Game Room utilized by kids ages 5 - 11 in Kid Zone has new programming. Your kids will enjoy a new theme to explore every day.
Makers Monday: Children are given various art supplies to make a masterpiece
Tower Tuesday: Children are challenged to build the biggest tower they can out of various items.
Wonder Wednesday: Wonderful experiments or fun facts with an activity will be offered.
Thoughtful Thursday: Children make a thoughtful card for someone else! (For example- the fire department, nurses or elderly patients at a nursing home)
Flying Friday: Make paper airplanes and participate in a flying contest.
Silly Skit Saturday: Kids fill in Mad Libs and preform the story they created in a funny skit.
Self-Care Sunday: Through calming music, a sound bath, yoga or writing "five great things about me," we will help our youth learn about self-care and its importance.