Make a difference through YMCA Leaders Club, a leadership development community service program that helps teens discover their full potential. It is a safe place where teens can come and simply be themselves.
Leaders Club is a year-long leadership-development program for middle and high school teens. This program provides teens with extensive leadership training and volunteer opportunities that support YMCA programs and services to the community. In addition to teaching teens leadership through service, Leaders Clubs advisors introduce teens to all the work the Y does to strengthen the community, and inspire and prepare teens to become future Y leaders.
YMCA Middle School Leaders Club serves teens in grades 6 - 8 and YMCA High School Leaders Club serves teens in grades 9 - 12. Clubs are hosted and meet at local YMCA branches.
If you have a teen interested in Leaders Club, visit the link below to stay up-to-date on the latest opportunities. Clubs typically kick off in early fall and wrap up at the end of the school year.
Pricing and Events
Middle School Leaders Club Dues & Events: $326 (M) & $378 (P)
Pricing includes all weekly meetings, staff support and supplies plus two events, Middle School Madness and Leaders Club Spring Rally
High School Leaders Club Dues & Events: $371 (M) & $423 (P)
Pricing includes all weekly meetings, staff support and supplies plus two events, Midnighter and Leaders Club Spring Rally.
Leaders Club Dues Only (no additional events)
YMCA member: $206
Participant: $258
At registration, please choose the Leaders Club location you wish to attend.
Interest Meetings
A.E. Finley YMCA
*for new and returning teens and parents
Middle School: Tue., Sept. 17, 2024, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
High School: Wed., Sept. 18, 2024, 7 - 8 p.m.
Chapel Hill - Carrboro YMCA
Sign up for updates on the 2024-2025 program year.
Kerr Family YMCA
Wed., Sept. 18, 2024, 6:30 - 8 p.m. Interest Social
Wed., Sept. 25, 2024, 7 - 8 p.m. First Regular Meeting
Downstairs Multipurpose Room
Kraft Family Y
Mon., Aug. 26, 2024, 6 - 6:30 p.m.
Martha's Den
Learn More
Taylor Family Y
Wed., Sept. 4, 2024, 6:30 p.m.
Interest meeting for Leaders Club, Youth and Government, and jobs in youth programs
Middle School Madness Event
Dec. 6, 2024, 7 - 10:30 p.m.
Northwest Cary YMCA
$45 (bundled cost) or $50 (a la carte cost)
You don’t want to miss this awesome night of pizza, snacks, crafts, activities and a bounce house. This event is open to current Middle School Leaders Club (MSLC) participants and Middle School Afterschool (MSAS) participants.
Busing will be coordinated for the Kerr, Finley, Alexander, Kraft, and Chapel Hill Ys.
NWC and Taylor MSAS and MSLC will be dropped off and picked up at NWC by their parents.
Midnighter Event
Nov. 15, 2024
$90 (bundled cost) or $99 (a la carte cost)
During our Midnighter, we will travel to Galaxy Fun Park where teens can go-cart and play laser tag and mini golf. We then make our way to Buffalo Lanes and end our evening starlight bowling. You won't want to miss out! The fee includes admission to Galaxy Fun Park and Buffalo Lanes, pizza, t-shirt and transportation.
Leaders Club Spring Rally
April 26 - 27, 2025
A.E. Finley YMCA
$75 (bundled cost) or $83 (a la carte cost)
Join us for a weekend to discover more about ourselves and our journey as leaders. We will spend time playing games, building skills in leadership development breakout sessions and growing as a community of leaders.
Cost includes dinner on Saturday, breakfast on Sunday, snacks throughout the weekend and a t-shirt.
Teen Directors
A.E. Finley YMCA, Shelley Busbee
Alexander Family YMCA, Gabriel Crudup
Chapel Hill - Carrboro YMCA, Chandler Briggs
Kerr Family YMCA, Kate Revels
Kraft Family YMCA, Marcus Tate
Northwest Cary YMCA, Jaylen Powell
Poole Family YMCA, Noah Franklin
Taylor Family YMCA, Julie Barnes