YMCA of the Triangle

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The YMCA offers basketball for ages 4 - 14. Teams play at YMCAs and area schools. 

YMCA youth sports provide opportunities for camaraderie, building skills and character development. We aim to keep kids moving and focus on their health and well-being. 

Our focus will continue to be on player and team development, coaching with character and keeping kids active and safe in our programs. 

Please be sure to check our age chart to determine your child's league. 

2025 Winter

Alexander Family YMCA
Jan. 7 - March 4
Girls: U10 - U11, U12 - U14

A.E. Finley YMCA
Jan. 11 - March 1
Boys: U11, U14
Girls: U11, U14

Chapel Hill - Carrboro YMCA
Jan. 11 - March 1
Boys: U8, U9, U10, U12, U14
Girls: U7, U8, U9, U10, U12, U14
Coed: U5, U6, U7

Durham YMCAs  
(select Downtown Durham YMCA
Jan. 6 - March 1 
Coed Leagues: U5, U6, U7, U8, U9
Girls Leagues: U8 - U9, U10 - U11, U12 - U13
Boys Leagues: U10 - U11, U12 - U13

East Triangle YMCA
Jan. 7 - Feb. 25
Coed: U4 - U5, U6 - U8, U9 - U11

Kerr Family YMCA
Jan. 4 - Feb. 22
Coed Leagues: U5 - U6 , U7 - U8, U9 - U10

Kraft Family YMCA
Jan. 3 - Feb. 28
Boys: U12 - U14
Coed: U8 - U9, U10 - U11

Northwest Cary YMCA
Jan. 6 - Feb. 22
Boys: U12 - U14
Coed: U8 - U9, U10 - U11

Poole YMCA
Jan. 4 - Feb. 22
Coed: U4 - U5, U6 - U8, U9 - U11

Southeast Raleigh YMCA
Jan. 11 - Mar. 8
Boys: U10 - U11, U12 - U14
Girls: U10 - U11, U12 - U14

Taylor Family YMCA
Jan. 3 - Feb. 28
Boys: U12 - U14
Coed: U8 - U9, U10 - U11

2025 Spring

Southeast Raleigh YMCA
Mar. 24 - May 3
Coed: U7 - U9, U15 - U17

Kerr Family YMCA
Skills Clinic Series
May 3 - 24
Coed: U7 - U8, U9 - U10

Durham YMCAs
Skills Clinic Series
Mar. 24 - May 14
Coed: U7 - U9, U10- U13

2025 Summer

Chapel Hill - Carrboro YMCA
June 30 - Aug. 21, Once weekly practice + game session
Girls U6 - U7 - Tuesdays, 6 - 6:55 p.m.
Girls U8 - U9 - Tuesdays, 7 - 7:55 p.m.
Coed U6 - Mondays, 6 - 6:55 p.m.
Coed U7 - Thursdays, 6 - 6:55 p.m.
Boys U8 - Mondays, 7 - 7:55 p.m.
Boys U9 - Thursdays, 7 - 7:55 p.m.

Kerr Family YMCA
League Play
July 12 - Aug. 16
Coed: U5 - U6, U7 - U8, U9 - U10

2025 Fall

Registration opens August 1 for members and August 15 for program participants.

Kraft Family, Northwest Cary and Taylor Family YMCAs*
Coed: U5, U6 - U7
Girls: U8 - U9, U10 - U11, Girls U12 - U14
*Games and practices will be held at the registered branch, but are subject to location change based on overall program participation.


2026 Winter Season

Registration opens August 1, 2025 for members and August 15 for program participants.

Kraft Family, Northwest Cary and Taylor Family YMCAs*
Coed: U8- U9, U10 - U11
Boys: U12 - U14
*Games and practices will be held at the registered branch, but are subject to location change based on overall program participation.



All players must have sneakers with non-marking soles. 


Parents are expected to remain onsite (fields and gyms) as the primary supervisor of their child. This includes taking their children to the restroom and addressing any challenges that may arise. This allows our coaches to focus on leading practices and games. In addition, YMCA sports staff will be present at all practices and games.


YMCA youth basketball recreational teams are led by volunteer coaches. All volunteer coaches undergo a background check and child abuse prevention training. Opportunities are available for coaches and assistant coaches at all locations.  

Registration Dates

YMCA youth basketball teams play in the fall and winter and registration opens in late summer.

Fall and Winter Season 
Aug. 1:  Member 
Aug. 15: Participant

Sports Directors

Alexander Family YMCA: Eric Rhinehalt 
A.E. Finley YMCA: Jared Hardin
Chapel Hill - Carrboro YMCA: Jonathan Washburn
Durham YMCAs: Lexx Daniels 
East Triangle and Poole Family YMCAs: Ryan Killen 
Kerr Family YMCA: Leah Thompson 
Kraft Family YMCA: Kelly Guerriero 
Northwest Cary and Taylor Family YMCAs: Chris Avery 
Poole Family YMCA: Noah Crone
Southeast Raleigh YMCA: Anthony Simmons