YMCA of the Triangle

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Summer Swim Team

YMCA summer swim teams are for Y members ages 5 to 18. Swimmers learn the importance of teamwork, sportsmanship and goal setting.

Swimmers compete in a series of meets during the summer against other YMCA of the Triangle branches.

Practices are age-specific and held in the afternoon/evening, Monday through Thursday. 

Summer 2025

Registration will open for returning 2024 Summer Swim Team participants and their siblings who have not participated before, on March 15. Parents will have until March 29 to register.

Registration will open for all new participants on April 1.

A pre-assessment for siblings and all new participants must be completed prior to registration. 

A pre-assessment does not guarantee a spot on the swim team.

Branch Contacts, Assessment Info and FAQs

A.E. Finley YMCA, Linda Singh
FAQs | Sign up for Swim Assessments

East Triangle YMCA, David Huie

Hope Valley Farms YMCA, Stanley Bass  Swim Assessment Sign-Up

Kerr Family YMCA, Ethan Clausen FAQs

Kraft Family YMCA, Madison Temple
Sign up for swim evaluations for our summer swim team. Assessment dates are March 8 and 15 at the Taylor Family YMCA pool. Call to register: 919-469-9592. FAQs.

Northwest Cary YMCA, Shane Tillett
Sign up for swim assessments for our summer swim team. Assessment dates are April 2, 5, 9, 16 and 26. FAQs 

Poole Family YMCA, Jaime Jewett

Taylor Family YMCA, AnnaMaria Galardi
Sign up for swim evaluations for our summer swim team. Assessment dates are March 8 and 15 at the Taylor Family YMCA pool. Call to register: 919-469-9592. 

YMCA at Knightdale Station, Jeff Little