YMCA of the Triangle

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Youth Sports Health & Safety

At the YMCA, we are doing everything we can to keep everyone safe by following state and local guidelines.

Following NC DHHS and CDC guidance, we have developed some new protocols. Please note, all policies are subject to change in accordance with any new guidance. 

In order to keep all participants safe, we have instituted the following health and safety protocols. 

Coaches, parents and players will not be allowed to participate if they have tested positive for COVID-19 or awaiting COVID-19 test results. A positive test will result in 5 days out of the program with an additional 5 days of masking upon return. 

If an individual is experiencing any of the following symptoms: fever, chill, shortness of breath/difficulty breathing, cough, a new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, headache, diarrhea/vomiting, fatigue, muscle/body aches, congestion or runny nose, they cannot enter a YMCA facility/program until the following criteria are met: No entry unless they have a negative test result and the last 24 hours must be fever-free (without fever medicine).